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Kasou Ryouiki no Elysion (Light Novel)


An incredibly athletic older brother, Tenryu Taiga. A programming genius girl, Tenryu Fuyuki. The two siblings separated for eight years ended up living under one roof again after facing the problem – a lack of funds for living expenses.

Fuyuki proposes a way to earn money, a core system deeply involved in people’s daily lives, a game that awards you money as a prize for defeating malicious bugs in cyber world, the 《Aries》structure. Taiga after becoming a warrior in the game relying on his inborn senses, is puzzled by the unfamiliar sensation.

One day Saionji Rui, Fuyuki’s best friend appears and is attacked by a mysterious bug― “I’ll be waiting, my prince.”. Hybrid fantasy battle of cheating siblings begins here!

Rating 4.3/5 (3 votes)

00 days 16h 07m 34s. (16 hours) • 7611 • 2020-12-19 12:56:15

Chapters (24/24)

ID The chapter Time Addition Time
