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List Novels (Time Paradox) 9 Results
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Where due to the ability to travel through time or change the past, the plot begins to break down and makes no sense if you think about how the past changed would affect the future.

# Novel Type Year Chapters
1Demons and GodsWeb Novel2015496/500
2Mitou Shoukan://Blood-SignLight Novel2014Completed(115)
3My Disciple Died Yet AgainWeb Novel2014Completed(394)
4Owari no ChronicleLight Novel2003Completed(273)
5Rokujouma no Shinryakusha!?Light Novel2009222/300
6Sheng WangWeb Novel2011Completed(1601)
7Tales Of The World Devouring SerpentWeb Novel2018Completed(731)
8Trash of the Count’s FamilyWeb Novel2017949/800
9Utsuro no Hako to Zero no MariaLight Novel2009Completed(74)