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List Novels (Legends) 19 Results
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Used when a character in the story has powers/achievements so great that only the mc had the chance to surpass.

# Novel Type Year Chapters
1BEMWeb Novel2017Completed(400)
2Demon SealerWeb Novel2014Completed(1618)
3Demons and GodsWeb Novel2015496/500
4Fate/ZeroLight Novel2006Completed(95)
5Gate of ApocalypseWeb Novel2015808/900
6Genius WarlockWeb Novel2021437/634
7Great DominateWeb Novel2013Completed(1560)
8I Loot The Tomb AloneWeb NovelN/ACompleted(416)
9Immortal Path to HeavenWeb Novel2016Completed(1360)
10Living Up to YouWeb Novel2011Completed(53)
11Martial Movement UpheavalWeb Novel2011Completed(1317)
12Mystical JourneyWeb Novel2013Completed(1375)
13Pet KingWeb Novel20171814/1528
14Rokujouma no Shinryakusha!?Light Novel2009222/300
15Tate no Yuusha no NariagariWeb Novel2012Completed(387)
16TemppalWeb Novel20142327/1579
17The Record of Unusual CreaturesWeb Novel2014Completed(1773)
18Valhalla SagaWeb Novel2017Completed(308)
19Zhu XianWeb Novel2003Completed(261)