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List Novels (Books) 17 Results
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Tag should ONLY be used if Books are an important part of the story.

# Novel Type Year Chapters
1A Sorcerer’s JourneyWeb Novel2014643/2100
2Absolute Great TeacherWeb NovelN/ACompleted(1341)
3Almighty CoachWeb Novel2017Completed(626)
4Ascendance of a BookwormWeb Novel2013218/677
5BEMWeb Novel2017Completed(400)
6Black Iron’s GloryWeb Novel2018593/592
7Demons and GodsWeb Novel2015496/500
8God and Devil WorldWeb Novel2013Completed(1216)
9I'm Really Not the Demon God's LackeyWeb Novel2020456/457
10I’m Really a SuperstarWeb Novel2014Completed(1696)
11Library of Heaven’s PathWeb Novel2016Completed(2268)
12Martial God SpaceWeb Novel2012951/3886
13Meg and SeronLight Novel2008Completed(55)
14So What If It’s an RPG World?Web NovelN/A536/700
15Throne of Magical ArcanaWeb Novel2013Completed(910)
16Venerable YuanWeb Novel2017Completed(1503)
17Ze Tian JiWeb Novel2014Completed(1184)